Assistant Professor of Biology, Cumberland University
Michael C. Fulbright
Current Courses, Cumberland University (Fall 2023)
Past Teaching Experience
Below I have listed courses that I have taught or assisted. Teaching is extremely rewarding for me, and I have had opportunities to teach a variety of courses from both the undergraduate and graduate levels, with labs as small as 8 students to large lecture halls with 255 students.
Biology 223-Survey of Zoology
Biology 223L-Survey of Zoology Lab
Biology 323-Mammalian Physiology
Biology 323L-Mammalian Physiology Lab
Biology 414-General Ecology
Biology 414L-General Ecology Lab
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Biology 121-Bio Principles and Issues I
Biology 122-Bio Principles and Issues II
Biology 221-Survey of Human Anatomy & Physiology Lab
Biology 318-Advanced Anatomy & Physiology Lab
Adjunct Instructor:
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Biology 121- Biology Principles and Issues I
Austin Peay State University
Biology 1010-Principles of Life
Biology 1011-Principles of Life Lab
Biology 1111-Principle of Biology I Lab
South Louisiana Community College
Biology 1000-Intro to Biology I
Biology 1003-Intro to Biology II Lab
Biology 1011-General Biology I Lab
Biology 2017-Survey of Human Anatomy & Physiology
This was a joint lecture/lab course that had not been taught at SLCC in several years, so I was charged with complete development of the course.​
Teaching Assistant:
Biology 484(G)-Integrative Physiology
Biology 482(G)-Comparative Physiology
Biology 413(G)-Herpetology
Biology 405(G)-Mammalogy
Biology 360-Principles of Ecology
Biology 365-General Physiology
Biology 321- Entomology
Biology 112-Fundamentals of Biology I Lab
Biology 113-Fundamentals of Biology II Lab
Biology 5611-Herpetology Lab (APSU)
Guest Lectures:
Insect Physiology (2 Lectures), Entomology- Biology 321, Spring 2018
Digestive Systems, Comparative Vertebrate Morphology-Biology 436(G), Fall 2015
Excretory Systems, Comparative Physiology- Biology 482(G), Fall 2014
Herpetofauna of Tennessee, Field Zoology- Biology 4350/4351, Fall 2011