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About My Research

    I am primarily interested in the physiological ecology and functional morphology of ectotherms. Currently I am developing research questions related to the biomechanics and energetics of digestion of map turtles (Genus Graptemys).


    My Master's work investigated the thermal ecology and habitat selection of a population of western cottonmouths (Agkistrodon piscivorus) in Cheatham County, Tennessee. I used multivariate analyses to evaluate differences in habitat selection of adult male, adult female, and juvenile cottonmouths. I also collected data on the body temperatures of free-ranging cottonmouths, the range environmental temps available throughout my study area, and the preferred range of body temperatures cottonmouths selected under controlled conditions. 


Research Interests

Bite force and trophic morphology of aquatic turtles


2014 – Present

University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Ph.D. Student

Advisor: Dr. Brad Moon

Effects of duorophagy on metabolism


Scaling of performance traits in ectotherms


Thermoregulation and energetics of free-ranging pit vipers


2011 – 2014

Austin Peay State University

M.S. in Biology

Advisor: Dr. C. M. Gienger

2005 – 2009

Austin Peay State University

B.S. in Biology

Concentration: Distributive Teaching

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